2 Effective Rules to Help You Beat Procrastination

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, we share simple tips and tools designed to propel you towards success.

Today's Focus: Procrastination

Recently, I found myself pushing aside personal tasks, thinking they were less urgent. But, as they accumulated, it soon become a habit of procrastination that affected my work.

Tackling procrastination is like strengthening a muscle. If neglected, it's all too easy to fall into the habit of delaying tasks. But fear not! Here are two simple strategies to help you break free:

1. Mel Robbins' 5-Second Rule

The principle is simple:

  • Thinking of diving into deep work? Switch off your phone within 5 seconds.

  • Considering reading a book? Grab it within 5 seconds.

  • Planning to shoot a video? Take out your tripod within 5 seconds.

Mel Robbins emphasizes that when you feel the urge to act on a goal, you must take physical action within 5 seconds. If not, your brain will make excuses to dismiss the idea.

2. The 2-Minute Rule

Caught in the act of procrastinating? Modify the task so it takes under 2 minutes to finish. Alternatively, commit to working on it for just 2 minutes.

Often, starting is the hardest part, and once you begin, momentum will keep you going.

Dive deeper into this concept with insights from James Clear.

Weekly Lesson: Embracing the Unfamiliar

I've hesitated to hire help, even though I recognize the need. The reason? It's uncharted territory for me. It reminds me of creating your first YouTube video, launching a product for the first time, or securing your first client.

Remember, practice makes progress. So, take that initial step, embrace the learning curve, and persistently refine your approach.

If you're stalling because it's a new experience, commit to a small action today. Then, focus on the next small step.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.