2 Must Have Apps for a Productive Life

Hi there,

Welcome to the first issue of Easlo's Newsletter.

There are only two essential apps that hold my life together: Cron, my calendar app, and Notion, my second brain.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and juggling multiple productivity apps, simplify and just keep a calendar and a notes app.

1. Calendar App

Whenever I have a new event or meeting, I immediately add it to my calendar. Additionally, I practice time-blocking, dedicating each block of time to specific activities like content creation, exercise, lunch, etc.

Be sure to use and sync your calendar events across all your devices, so you always know what's ahead and what you should be spending your time on.

2. Notes App

New to-dos, articles, videos, podcasts, and important links come in every day. Having a central space to keep them all is crucial. This is where a notes app like Apple Notes, Notion, or Obsidian comes in handy.

Instead of having a separate to-do app, I keep everything centralized and easy to access from a single app, which for me is Notion.

Weekly Bite-sized Lessons

Every week, I will also share something that has been working for me or that I have found helpful, and something I might be falling short on and want to improve.

In other words, a win and a loss, but both with lessons and actionable insights.

Mid-Day Journaling

I have started journaling again, not at the beginning or end of each day, but during the day. Jotting down my thoughts and feelings helps me better articulate my daily choices and decisions and navigate the day. I recommend keeping a pen and notebook nearby to journal whenever you're overthinking or feeling stressed out.

Inconsistent Morning Routine

Over the past two weeks, my morning routine has been inconsistent. Sometimes I begin working immediately after waking up, while other times I check my emails and messages first. Although I justify this as being productive, the inconsistency has led to the formation of a bad habit of not following through with plans. This week, I plan to simplify my morning routine by heading straight to the gym after waking up, where I will do incline walking on the treadmill.

I hope you enjoyed this issue and I will talk to you soon next week.