3 Apps that Turn Your Phone into a Productivity Machine

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate simple tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Apps that Turn Your Phone into a Productivity Machine

Firstly, this issue is not sponsored by these apps, but I have genuinely found them beneficial for improving productivity.

Let's dive in!

App #1: Opal


Opal takes the native screen time limit on my phone to the next level with a more intuitive setup for scheduling when to block certain apps.

I use Opal to block my messaging, social media, entertainment, and shopping apps during my focus hours.

My favorite feature is being able to take a 5-10 minute screen limit break during my work hours if I need to catch up with anything.

App #2: Endel


Endel is my personal companion for deep work.

It provides great soundscapes throughout my day to help me focus and relax, as well as an optional beautiful timer feature if I decide to do Pomodoro or timed sessions.

App #3: Notion


I've said it many times, but I must say it again, Notion is like my Second Brain.

There are no other apps that I have used that come close to how much I rely on Notion for both my personal and professional life, from habit tracking to project management.

Tech of the Week: Habit Tracker

I want to give a shout-out to this Notion template of mine this week because it has really helped me get back into my positive daily habits in the last few weeks.

Habit Tracker

It's really satisfying to click on the button to check off a habit, and it works great on my phone too.

Let's build positive habits together before the arrival of the new year 2024.

Favourite Quote This Week

We all love ourselves more than other people, but care more about their opinion than our own.

Marcus Aurelius

As a content creator and entrepreneur, hateful comments can sometimes ruin my days and lead me to blame my unproductive days on others.

This quote reminds me to take control of my actions and not let the opinions of others dictate my thoughts and beliefs.

I hope you enjoyed this issue and remember to embrace simplicity.

I will talk to you again next week.