3 Ideas That Might Change Your Life

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3 Ideas That Might Change Your Life

Happy holidays! I hope you're enjoying a good break or had a good break. I want to share three ideas with you that I'm bringing into 2024, and they might help you too.

Idea #1: Second Brain

The concept of the Second Brain has had the most practical impact on my life, changing the way I manage my productivity and knowledge.

I first came across this concept in a YouTube video by Ali, and since then, I have delved deeper into it through articles by Tiago Forte. This led me to set up my Second Brain in Notion, where I can easily connect the resources I find on the internet with my latest and upcoming goals and projects.

If you often find yourself forgetting what you learn or struggling to remember a valuable video or website you found before, having a Second Brain, a trusted place for your knowledge, might be just what you need.

Idea #2: Marginal Adjustment

The key idea here is to make small changes to your daily habits and routine, allowing for the compounding of positive impacts to achieve your goals.

It could be something as simple as switching from music to audiobooks during your commute or adding a 5-minute workout to your morning routine. Over time, these small adjustments can lead to amazing results.

What is one small change you can make today to help you achieve your goal?

If you want to delve deeper into this concept, I highly recommend reading Atomic Habits by James Clear.

Idea #3: Delayed Gratification

This third idea is something I remind myself of every morning: practicing delayed gratification.

In today's world, we have instant gratification readily available, such as binge-watching Netflix, scrolling on TikTok, receiving Amazon orders within a day, or watching condensed educational videos on YouTube.

However, it is only when we learn to resist immediate gratification that we can make choices that lead to a more fulfilling life.

Feature of the Week: 12-Week Year

I recently came across an idea called the 12-week year.

This concept resonates with me because focusing on annual goals often distracts us and gives us a false sense of having plenty of time left.

A 12-week period offers enough time to make a meaningful impact in our lives, while also providing a strong deadline that can motivate us with a healthy amount of stress.

Learn more about the 12-week year here.

Favourite Quote This Week

“Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life.”

Jerzy Gregorek

There is no easy way out in life. You have to make the hard choices and do the work to give yourself a better future.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.