Don't Fall for These 3 Productivity Traps

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

This newsletter is sponsored by Ultraspeaking. We would like to thank Ultraspeaking for supporting our newsletter and keeping it free for our readers.

Today's Focus: 3 Mistakes of Becoming More Productive

Mistake 1: Neglecting personal growth.

As a business owner and content creator, I made the mistake of solely focusing on doing more and increasing my productivity. While I was scaling up, I failed to broaden my horizons.

Working from home and not being in a service business means I don’t have much face-to-face interaction with my peers, customers or audience.

I must admit that I have become too comfortable, and I want to change that.

Currently, I am halfway through the Ultraspeaking cohort-based course, which aims to enhance my public speaking skills.

If you want to improve your speaking, I encourage you to check out Ultraspeaking below:

Mistake 2: Overlooking the fundamentals.

Often, when we strive to master something and take it to the next level, we tend to forget the fundamentals.

For instance, you may engage in intense workouts at the gym, but fail to prioritize sufficient sleep for proper recovery.

You may dedicate long hours to deep work sessions, but neglect to schedule time for self-care.

You may consume numerous courses and books, but overlook the importance of reflection and action.

Are you blindly pursuing more without complementing your efforts?

Mistake 3: Losing sight of yourself.

You may have aspirations to become a certain person and try to emulate their actions and routines. You follow their morning rituals, productivity hacks, and principles that govern their lives.

But are you forgetting to be true to yourself?

Remember, you are unique. You have the ability to forge your own path, figure things out, and live life according to your own terms and principles.

Favourite Quote This Week

“Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world.”

David McCullough Jr.

In a world where we constantly strive to impress others, let this quote serve as a reminder to pursue our own definition of success, rather than society's definition.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.