3 Productivity Systems You Can Adopt for 2024

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Productivity Systems You Can Adopt for 2024

I want to share with you three productivity systems that I'm bringing into 2024. These systems can help you improve your productivity and personal growth.

1. Fear-Setting

As I read Ali Abdaal's new book, Feel-Good Productivity, I came to understand how fear can be one of the biggest obstacles to productivity and pursuing our goals.

I would like to share an exercise I learned from Tim Ferris called Fear-Setting. Fear-Setting has helped Tim achieve his greatest business and personal successes, and it has also helped him avoid major mistakes.

He has written about it in this article, or you can watch his TED Talk on the subject here.

2. GTD Methodolgy

Getting Things Done (GTD) created by David Allen, is a powerful method for task management.

Although I don't utilize every aspect of GTD, it has provided me with a system and process for transforming a long list of unfinished tasks into organized contexts and different statuses. Now, I have clarity on what to do next.

I recommend watching this YouTube video that demonstrates how I implement GTD in Notion.

3. PARA Method

Knowledge is not power. Knowledge with execution is power.

Many of us, including myself, are guilty of spending too much on consumption and not taking enough action.

I love what Tiago Forte teaches through the PARA method, which is to organize our knowledge by its actionability.

PARA Method from Forte Labs

This means tagging our notes to our ongoing and future projects, or at least our areas of responsibility. When we review our projects or responsibilities, this knowledge will then surface for us to leverage.

I have created a free Notion template inspired by the PARA method, which you can download for free below.

Feature of the Week: My Favorite Places on The Internet

I told my favorite browser, Arc, about my top 10 favorite places on the internet. If you are curious to know what they are, you can find the full blog post below.

Favourite Quote This Week

"Believing you can is the first step to making sure you actually can."

Feel-Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal

When I first started creating content on social media, I used to tell myself, "I was never good at expressing myself, even in school."

However, things have changed since then. Today, I have an audience of over a million across my social media platforms, including Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok.

When I began surrounding myself with creators of similar age who were pursuing what I wanted to do, I started to tell myself that it is possible for me as well.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.