3 Reasons Why You Are Procrastinating

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Reasons Why You Are Procrastinating

Reason 1: You Think Too Far

Imagine you're walking down a path and constantly looking far ahead. You're so focused on the distance that you don't notice the small rocks at your feet, causing you to trip and stumble.

This is similar to when you focus too much on the distant future without paying attention to the present moment and the immediate steps you need to take.

It's a constant balance of having a long-term vision while being present.

Just don't miss beginning to live.

Reason 2: You Think Too Negative

Don't assume the world is constantly against you.

See problems for what they are.

They are bound to happen and happen to everyone, just that those beside you are dealing with a different set of problems.

You can’t have everything planned your way, instead you have to learn to manage your emotions and mind and adapt to the situation.

If you can accept that, you can start focusing on what is in your control, taking actions that resolve the issue at hand or mitigate the consequences.

Reason 3: You Think Too Big

A 'big' task can often be overwhelming.

But trust me it only gets bigger the longer you hold it in your mind.

This often happens with complex tasks that have multiple steps, creating uncertainty about where to start or how to proceed.

In such cases, the best approach is to break the task down into smaller, more manageable actions, particularly focusing on what you can do immediately.

For instance, making a YouTube video is a big task, you must break it down and see each step within individually from researching to scripting to filming to editing.

Tool of the Week: Voicenotes

I recently started using an app called Voicenotes.

It lets me record a voice note, transcribes it, and helps me list down actionable steps.

If you don't need the AI features to review your notes, you can probably use any voice-to-text recorder.

Thinking only in our heads, we often fall into the traps of thinking too far, too negatively, and too big.

By articulating our thoughts or writing them down, our next steps become clearer.

Favourite Quote This Week:

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Lao Tzu

I challenge you to take a small step forward today on the task that's been on your mind.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.