3 Simple Hacks to Overcome Procrastination

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Simple Hacks to Overcome Procrastination

Tip 1: Get Clear

When we are faced with a big, challenging task, we become paralyzed and do nothing.

The intricacies and multistep process to get this task done creates a lack of clarity on where to get started.

Break up your responsibilities and see each one as its own.

Say if I’m trying to publish a YouTube video, I should only worry about the first step, writing the script, nothing more than that.

Tip 2: Take Baby Steps

Sometimes it is not the uncertainty that makes us procrastinate but rather the idea of doing hard things.

If you want to run 6 rounds around the track, your brain might try to make excuses to get you out of it. What you can do then is to convince yourself that you will just run 1 round.

The key here is not so much about lying to yourself but rather to always focus on taking a step forward no matter how small and let momentum carry you forward.

Tip 3: Value the Process

You've put in a lot of effort, yet it feels like you've accomplished nothing.

This is a common feeling, hence it's important to manage your expectations.

Just as you wouldn't expect to see a six-pack after a few sit-ups, you should not expect immediate rewards from your efforts.

The key is to value the process, not just the results.

Recognize that the act of trying is enough.

Personally, I learned to appreciate my efforts by using a habit tracker to check off the task of making my bed or meditating in the morning.

Tool of the Week: Habit Tracker

I used to be skeptical about the point of habit tracking for the little things like making my bed.

But now I realize it gives power to your actions.

It’s the little promises you make to yourself and follow through that make you feel like you can do anything.

That big dream or goal you’re after becomes very much possible that you can check off just like your daily habit.

If you want to get started, download this free habit tracker I use:

Favourite Quote This Week:

“Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.”

Dale Carnegie

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.