3 Steps to Beat Procrastination in 2024

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Steps to Beat Procrastination in 2024

The path of comfort is a fallacy. True comfort comes from resolving your problems.

Step 1: Understand Your Why

Why do you do what you do?

For instance, why did you opt to watch Netflix when you've planned to work on your small business?

Is it a desire for relaxation, or a fear of others' opinions?

Reflecting on and understanding your why is important.

Perhaps you need improved time management to incorporate intentional breaks, rather than abandoning your plans.

Or maybe you need to surround yourself with other entrepreneurs to give you a sense of community spirit and courage.

Step 2: Don’t Tempt Yourself With Comfort

Stop debating whether to seek comfort or do the work.

Your brain instinctively prefers the safe and less risky option.

Instead, your focus should be on which problem you want to solve now. It could be improving time management or expanding your network with like-minded individuals.

As Mark Manson says, choose your struggle.

Everyone desires a carefree, happy life, but what are you willing to struggle for?

Step 3: Solve One Problem At A Time

Facing your struggles might start to worry you due to the various problems that need solving.

It's during such times that you need to consider what your roles and responsibilities are at this point in your life and where you want to be in the next 5-10 years.

The lack of focus and direction causes most people to go in circles.

Instead of trying to solve all your problems simultaneously, address them one at a time.

Tool of the Week: Paper and Pen

Every night, I review my task list in Notion and jot down 1-3 tasks using this paper and pen.

The next morning, I start with the first task on the list.

Some call it their daily highlight or "eating the frog," but I simply see it as focusing on my priorities.

Note-taking Kit from Grovemade

Favourite Quote This Week:

“Who you are is defined by what you’re willing to struggle for.”

Mark Manson

I will leave you with this question: "What are you willing to struggle for?"

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.