3 Essential Steps to a Fulfilled Life

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, we curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: Contentment

Achieving productivity does not guarantee happiness. Here are three steps to live a content and fulfilling life.

Step One: Identify Your Roles and Responsibilities

The journey towards a contented life begins with recognizing your various roles and responsibilities.

In building a "Second Brain”, Tiago Forte emphasizes establishing folders for “Areas” representing long-term roles and responsibilities like health, finances, career, and relationships. Incorporating this concept into tools like Notion serves as a consistent reminder to nourish all life areas.

Step Two: Allocate Time Consciously

Once you're clear on your roles and responsibilities, it is important to allocate time to uphold them consciously. A practical approach is time-blocking your day, dedicating a block of time for work, personal development, and social activities.

You can also designate weekdays for professional pursuits, Saturdays for personal growth, and Sundays for nurturing family and relationships. Efficiently managing your time across different life areas is the cornerstone of a fulfilled life.

Step Three: Prioritize Activities that Promote Growth

Focus on activities that contribute to your advancement in your roles and responsibilities and minimize engagements that do not align with your growth. For instance, while watching movies and TV shows may not foster personal development, organizing watch parties with friends and family can fortify relationships.

Learn to say no to activities and events that do not resonate with your values or objectives. Be intentional in participating in activities that matter the most to you.

Weekly Lesson: Clarity through Elimination

The phrase “I don’t know what I want” is all too common in today's world. Clarity is essential to avoid drifting aimlessly and falling prey to distractions and new opportunities.

Instead of pinpointing exactly what you want, focus on eliminating what you don’t want. This continuous refinement will gradually bring clarity and reveal your path.

Remember, don't be afraid to fail and have the courage to make your own choices.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.