3 Tips to Deal with Inconsistencies

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Tips to Deal with Inconsistencies

I'm late in writing this newsletter. Instead of making excuses, I want to take this opportunity to share my thoughts on dealing with inconsistency.

Tip 1: Show up late than never.

It’s easy to put off a task when something goes amiss.

When the heavy rain disrupts your gym session, you should find a way around it, whether that is going later or doing your strength training at home.

Show up in some way.

Do not use anything as an excuse, and take responsibility for your decision.

Tip 2: Focus on improving the process, not the outcome.

As a content creator, it can be disheartening to see one post resonate with your audience while the next post barely reaches your followers.

What matters is everything that happens before you hit publish, as that's where progress can be made. This includes improving your ideation, storytelling, and video editing process.

Moreover, our losses and failures often fill the gaps in our knowledge, helping us to do better.

Tip 3: Don’t take on more than you can carry.

I honestly believe most people underestimate their abilities.

But that is not the same as packing your schedule full and giving subpar results for each activities.

You need buffers and breaks to do your best work, so make sure you schedule that in no matter what.

Tool of the Week: Weekly Review

There is no perfect productivity system, and clutter and confusion pile up in our to-do lists, even for the best of us.

A weekly review is the best way to ensure our productivity systems stay in top condition to help us do our best work.

I took inspiration from David Allen's GTD weekly review and compiled a checklist you can copy and follow each week.

Favourite Quote This Week:

“You're better off starting imperfectly, than being paralyzed by the hope or the delusion of perfection.”

Ryan Holiday

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.