3 Tips to Get Out of a Rut

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, we curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Tips to Get Out of a Rut

I'll be honest, I've been procrastinating since the week began and didn't send this newsletter on time. Every so often, we're swamped by a sense that we're not doing enough. This feeling can overwhelm anyone, but what truly matters is how we rise above it.

Tip 1: Do the small things right

Nourishing yourself with healthy food or tidying up your desk—these might seem trivial, yet performing these small tasks well can build your confidence. They serve as reminders that you possess the power to make positive choices and execute them effectively.

Tip 2: Write down your thoughts and feelings

Whether digitally or on paper, take a moment to write down your thoughts and feelings. The solutions you seek often reside within you. For further inspiration, I recommend this insightful video I discovered recently, emphasizing that the answers you're seeking are in your own writing.

Tip 3: Declutter your choices

You likely have too many things, like productivity apps, skincare products, or unread books. You don't need to throw these extras out. Just think about what you use or need the most and focus on those. For example, keep your favorite app on the first page of your home screen or that book you want to finish on your desk.

Weekly Bite-sized Lesson: Learn by Doing

You've probably heard this a thousand times, but it's a fact. We often procrastinate by passively learning, watching, or listening to others teach or show us how to do things. However, learning happens when you actively engage, make mistakes, and celebrate small victories. It's through these actions that true understanding and skill are developed.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.