3 Tips to Go From Busy to Productive

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, we curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: From Busy to Productive

Strive to work smarter, not longer. Here are 3 tips to help you go from being busy to being productive.

Tip #1: Clarify Your Priorities

Clarity and focus on your priorities is what make a day productive, not merely the completion of a to-do list. Every morning, visualize the most important task you want to get done. And stay away from the distractions of emails and social media until this task is completed.

Tip #2: Systemize Your Process

Creating templates and checklists can make the completion of tasks more efficient, whether it's making a new YouTube video, writing a newsletter, or launching a new product. Documenting each step can lessen your mental load, allowing you to complete tasks in less time.

Tip #3: Delegate Your Work

As you level up both personally and professionally, your time becomes increasingly precious. Therefore, learning to delegate is crucial. If Activity B is more meaningful than Activity A, delegate Activity A to someone better suited and more focused. In doing so, your mind and energy can better focus and be spent on high-value tasks.

To transform from being merely busy to genuinely productive, start with self-awareness and implement these strategies to be more productive.

Weekly Lesson: Escape the procrastination loop

If you find yourself repeatedly postponing a deadline, stop immediately. As I experienced with my admin tasks last week, one instance of procrastination leads to another. Consider one manageable step upon which you can act today. You don’t need to complete the task, you just need to allocate time for it and aim to make even the slightest progress.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.