3 Tips for Increasing Productivity Without Doing More

I spent less time on work but I found myself more productive.

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: A More Productive Life without Doing More.

Last week, I spent less time on work, yet I found myself more productive and filled with more energy in my day-to-day life.

Tip #1: Embrace Quality Time

As an introvert, socializing usually doesn't energize me.

But I feel refreshed after spending quality time with friends and family last week.

Dedicate time to what and whom you care about.

This way, you will return to work feeling rejuvenated and more engaged.

Tip #2: Break Out of Routines (Once a While)

The monotony of daily routines can make every task feel dull.

Seize opportunities to change things up like visiting a new cafe or having lunch with an old friend.

Breaking out of your routines can bring more fun and joy into your life.

Tip #3: Reflect on Your Journey

Revisiting my journal from two years ago revealed that I've made more progress than I realized.

It's easy for our achievements to fade into the background in the busyness of life.

Taking time to reflect on and appreciate your accomplishments can provide a new sense of fulfilment and motivation to move forward.

P.S. If you're looking to get back to journaling, you can grab my free Notion template here

Favorite Tech This Week: Text Blaze

This is not sponsored, just something I've been trying out lately.

Text Blaze is a Chrome extension that helps you quickly use snippets of frequently used text.

You can save these texts as templates with shortcuts, like "/links" for sharing social media links.

It's useful for writing newsletters, tweets, and emails faster.

Text Blaze

Favourite Quote This Week

"You change your life when you stop blaming other people for where you are, and start taking responsibility for where you're going."

Mel Robbins

Blaming things or people takes away your power to change. Instead, focus on what it takes to get closer to your goals.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.