3 Tips to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: 3 Tips to Stop Feeling Overwhelmed

I'm feeling overwhelmed today.

I want to take this opportunity to share three things I'm currently applying to get things in order.

Tip #1: Stop saying yes on behalf of your future self.

Saying no should be your default.

But what I've found more helpful recently is to ask myself if I would say yes to this opportunity if it were happening now or tomorrow.

This is because it’s easy to commit to something happening in the future.

Make time for things you truly care about.

Tip #2: If it takes less than 2 minutes, do it now.

I follow the 2-minute rule popularized by David Allen in Getting Things Done. If the task takes less than 2 minutes, I do it right away.

This builds my discipline into beating procrastination and pushes me to initiate action instead of just sitting and thinking.

Not doing what you can do something about is what's scary.

Tip #3: Take control of your approach.

I understood this from reading Ali's new book "Feel Good Productivity".

The work you have to get done might be fixed, but your approach can be flexible.

Do it in the way that gives you energy, whether coworking with your friends or working at your favorite coffee shop.

Feature of the Week: Feel Good Productivity

Reading this book as my first of the year was one of the best decisions I made.

It offered me a fresh perspective on productivity, showing that we don't always need to do more and struggle constantly.

Feel Good Productivity by Ali Abdaal

Favourite Quote This Week

“Do the things you fear, and keep on doing it. That is the quickest and surest way ever yet discovered to conquer fear.”

Dale Carnegie

Action and repetition are how we get comfortable and get good at something.

Remove any existing labels you have on yourself and realize your potential.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.