3 Ways to Simplify Your Life

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, we curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: Simplify Your Life

In today's world, it's so easy to feel swamped by too much information and too many choices. This can scatter our attention and make decision-making tough. If you're feeling this way, it might be time to make things simpler.

1. Simplify Your Morning Routine

Don't overcomplicate your mornings. If you don't already have a routine, don't rush to add every good habit you've heard of. Instead, focus on avoiding things that start your day off wrong, like checking your social media or emails. Or stick to a few essential habits, like journaling or a quick workout.

2. Simplify Your Wardrobe

Even though some say we can make endless decisions, I prefer to limit my choices. I stick to the same outfits, shampoo, and skincare routine. It's tempting to always look for the "best" product or the next big thing, but it's important to remember not to pile up all these alternatives for the same purpose.

3. Simplify Your Meals

To be honest, I don't plan out every meal. Instead, I have a few trusty options I rely on. Take breakfast as an example: I often go for a protein shake, and the only thing I might switch up is the fruit I mix in. It's beneficial to have some constants and introduce variety only now and then. However, this approach isn't a one-size-fits-all. If cooking up different meals is your passion and something you're perfecting, then by all means, continue to embrace it!

Weekly Bite-sized Lesson: One At A Time

I used to enjoy reading multiple books simultaneously. However, more recently, I've come to appreciate the value of focusing on one book at a time. Having lots of choices is less boring, but doing things one by one is clearer and works better. This way, we get better results.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.