Can your phone not be a distraction?

From a source of distraction into a tool for productivity and inspiration.

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and embrace minimalism.

Can your phone not be a distraction?

I used to keep my phone outside my room where I do deep work.

However, after discovering this beautiful iPhone dock from Scott Yu-Jan, I decided to challenge this self-imposed rule.

Now, I have my phone on my desk in StandBy mode, displaying useful information like today's date and my current schedule.

Rather than constantly resisting the distractions on our phones, I think we can sometimes shift our perspective to focus on how we can use them to support our goals.

Your phone can serve a different purpose and be put to good use.

For my iPhone friends, I've written about the new features in iOS 18 that can help you use your phone more intentionally. You can click here to read more.

Other tips you can try today include using a wallpaper with an inspiring quote or placing apps that empower you on the front of your home screen while keeping distracting ones further away.

Tool of the Week: Thoughts

Thoughts is a neat little app that saves and reminds you of inspiring quotes.

You can add a widget to your home screen to display and cycle through your saved quotes.

What I particularly enjoy is having it on display when my phone is charging in StandBy mode. It's now a constant reminder whenever I pick up my phone or feel tempted to do so.

An iPhone in StandBy mode showcasing a calendar widget alongside a quote widget from the Thoughts app.

Favourite Quote This Week:

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl

I’m consciously deciding not to reach for my phone, even though it’s right on my desk, whenever I feel the impulse.

And consistently making this choice has gradually quieted my mind.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.