Are dumb phones the solution to your productivity?

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Are dumb phones the solution to your productivity?

Yes and no.

Today, we're talking about dumb phones.

There's been a growing trend towards using dumb phones, as many of us find ourselves addicted to our phone screens.

The idea is to strip away the downsides of modern smartphones, like endless access to social media content and the glossy displays that emit bright, stimulating colors and graphics.

I think the most popular option would be the Light Phone, which I came across about a year ago in this video from Matt D’Avella.

I thought to myself back then that I probably wouldn't get a dumb phone. Today, my answer remains the same.

I believe our phones can be productivity tools if used right, they're literally computers that fits in your pockets.

And as a content creator who uses a phone for filming and editing, it doesn't make sense to leave behind such a powerful tool for creation.

We can make our phone use more intentional, focusing on creation rather than consumption.

I've found two strategies that have helped me achieve this goal.

First, having a shortcut to toggle the greyscale filter.

Even Sahil Bloom agrees.

The greyscale filter greatly reduces the allure of social media content. Having it on by default, as I do, is how I cut back on unnecessary usage.

I use the action button on the newer iPhones to toggle greyscale on and off as needed, such as for filming. Other ways to create this shortcut include setting it up with the back tap feature or triple-clicking the home button.

Second, curating a home screen with selected apps and widgets, while hiding social media and other distractions in the App Library.

I think placing my go-to productivity apps like my calendar, Notion, and Arc Search on the home screen keeps me focused and productive.

Having to swipe through them to reach my social media apps increases the friction, making it less likely for me to slip into mindless scrolling.

Some people see these measures as "dumbing down" smartphones, so you could argue that "dumb phones" work.

However, I see it as optimizing your phone for productivity while still benefiting from the powerful features of a smartphone.

For those interested in how I set up my phone, I'm sharing an updated video guide going live on YouTube tomorrow.

You can stay subscribed here.

Tool of the Week: Dumb Phone App

Dumb Phone is a new iOS app that launched just last week.

It transforms your iPhone's home screen into a simplified version that displays only the names of your selected apps.

Dumb Phone app

I've seen a few other apps attempting this, but the Dumb Phone app is exceptionally well-built.

You can check out my full review here.

Favourite Quote This Week:

“There are only two options: Make progress or make excuses.”


I went on a 6km run on Monday after a long break. Halfway through, I was honestly ready to give up. I started telling myself my leg is already in pain.

But deep down, I think we all know the right answer whether we're at our limit or we're merely finding excuses to stop.

I'm glad I pushed through and completed that run. It gave me a sense of accomplishment for the rest of the day.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.