Why Notion is actually a productivity app for minimalists?

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Why Notion is actually a productivity app for minimalists?

What is minimalism?

Many people have their own views and definitions of minimalism.

Some might think it's just about having less, while others see it as nothing more than just a clean aesthetic.

My definition of minimalism isn't at either extreme.

When it comes to my desk setup, iPhone home screen, or Notion workspace, I aim for 80% functionality and intention, with 20% aesthetics. Yes, the numbers were inspired by the famous 80/20 rule.

The 80% is what saves me time and keeps me productive, while the 20% keeps me happy using these tools.

Bringing it back to productivity apps, I believe Notion is the only app I know that allows you to apply this version of the 80/20 rule.

Most apps greet you with a fixed layout or theme you have to adapt to.

In Notion, you're not given a rigid system. You choose what to add or remove, even with Notion templates.

This is crucial because our needs change as we move through different life stages. Notion's customizability lets you adapt your workspace accordingly to optimize for your day-to-day workflows.

This means Notion can feel truly like yours, creating a more intentional and purposeful workspace for productivity.

If you need help learning Notion, I've curated my free video tutorials at https://www.easlo.co/lessons

Tool of the Week: Typefully

Typefully is an app that allows you to write and schedule posts for Twitter, LinkedIn, or Threads.

I do my content ideation and planning in Notion, but when it comes to writing content for social media, Typefully is perfect in its minimalistic design, enabling me to focus solely on the writing.

The preview feature, which shows how your post will appear on social media, is particularly helpful, as it allows me to consider the reader's perspective and optimize the formatting and wording.

If this interests you, I encourage you to check out Typefully.

Favourite Quote This Week:

Be tolerant with others and strict with yourself.”

Marcus Aurelius

It's easy to tell your friends and family or post on social media that they should do this or that.

This quote is a reminder that we should set a higher standard for ourselves without expecting that of others.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.