Top 3 Productivity Tools to Try in 2024

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Welcome back to Easlo's newsletter. Every week, I curate actionable tips to help supercharge your productivity and growth.

Today's Focus: Top 3 Productivity Tools to Try in 2024

They aren't apps or templates, but physical products without any distractions.

1. Alarm Clock

I started using a physical alarm clock last year.

Using a physical alarm eliminates distractions before bed and after waking up, which you might experience if you use your phone as an alarm.

Additionally, place the alarm slightly far from your bed so that you have to stand up to turn it off.

Alarm Clock

2. Pocket Notebook

A pocket notebook is a convenient tool that can be placed on your desk while working or taken with you when working outside.

It allows you to jot down notes in various situations, such as in the morning while enjoying your coffee, during breaks from digital screens, or before going to bed.

By providing an offline platform for capturing your thoughts, a pocket notebook can help you reflect and learn more about yourself.

Pocket Notebook

3. Hourglass Timer

I recently bought a sand hourglass timer.

I don't use it every day, but when I want to procrastinate on a task, I turn on the hourglass timer and challenge myself to work for the next 3 minutes until it runs out.

Most of the time, the momentum gained from starting the work keeps me going.

Hourglass Timer

Favourite Quote This Week

“An object either remains at rest, or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.”

Newton's first law

Last week, I came across an interesting analogy by James Clear on enhancing productivity with Newton's first law.

The key to productivity lies in initiating action. Once you start, maintaining momentum becomes significantly easier.

For example, if you're procrastinating going to the gym, start by simply changing into your gym clothes.

I hope you enjoyed this issue, and I will talk to you soon next week.